Buday company profile

A tradition of strong bonds

Buday was founded in 1996. From day one, we put customers first. Their needs are the reason why we exist. Initially focussing mainly on trading in tapes and die-cut parts, Buday has established itself as a leading solution provider, producer and manufacturer for the entire spectrum of industrial self-adhesive technology.

Based in Baden-Württemberg, one of Germany’s most powerful industrial centres, Buday soon acquired an excellent reputation beyond state borders. A resilient supplier structure provides stable supply conditions. Agile production can react quickly to changing customer requirements. Highly qualified staff is an important mainstay for Buday’s enduring success.

The comination of expertise in bonding technology and industrial manufacturing know-how is proving to be increasingly important. Globally positioned industrial customers now consult Buday during the design phase of their products in order to jointly explore the potential for new and cost-effective solutions. With its partnership-based approach, Buday is constantly opening up new fields of application for its bonding technology.

Buday loves quality

At Buday, we believe quality is a holistic process that starts from the very first contact with a customer, a supplier or partner. Consulting, development, equipment, raw materials, employees: each activity has an impact on quality. That is why we strive to offer our employees a working environment that allows them to create maximum quality for our customers.

We are happy to help

Looking for extremely resilient tapes for very specialised applications? Get in touch, and our team will be glad to help you find the right solution! Please contact us.

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